neděle 29. ledna 2023

Wee Little Winter

 Úžasný kit od Jumpstart-Designs má název Wee Little Winter.Winter can be cold and dreary but it can also be “snow much fun!” The kids don’t care if everything is white and gray; they’re just ready to go outside and play. Wee Little Winter celebrates that spirit of fun in the flurries with a gently muted pastel palette. Pinks, greens and baby blues pop against a backdrop of navy of white. Frosty sparkles glimmer from flowers and branches. Mittens wait to be worn outside and there’s always hot cocoa waiting for you to come in. Bunnies bundle up and twirl under gently falling snowflakes. There’s so much childlike wonder in Wee Little Winter, especially in the bold lines and bright colors. Playful patterned papers and thematic word art encourage play. Seeing winter from a kid’s perspective makes everything just a little more magical. Keep the magic alive with Wee Little Winter.Nakoupíte v shopu nebo gingerscraps

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